Head Games
When we play board games, we embody gods overseeing all. The individuality of game pieces erased, as shape correlates with game function and status. But ultimately, even kings, mere fancy pawns, move only according to our will.
"Head Games" demotes players from omniscient deities to imperfect leaders. On an 8 meter by 8 meter game space with human-sized pieces, players immerse themselves in the game at the same level as pawns. And the game pieces themselves are heads of giant creatures, each with a different personality and stature.
How will players use these new psychological elements to play traditional strategy games? Will they use the larger game pieces to intimidate opponents or the smaller ones to sneak by unnoticed? The pieces move equally in these games, but sometimes, as in life, it's easy to become distracted.
The installation was exhibited for "Sharav" (July 2017), hosted by Ashan Hazman and The Fringe Theater, and for "Sharav" (August 2017), hosted by PubMad, Beer Sheva, Israel.